Friday, August 31, 2007
ok i've removed the posts that seem to be... of no origin.
i've saved them as a draft, and they'll remain there until the author posts again.
including why they posted and who they are.
judging by the style i've a strong feeling its peter's.
but i wont say much.
crew chalet's on the 14th.
2 more weeks.
so better start saving up.
everything's organised by peter, so anything you all wanna request, tell him AND raise the idea on sunday.
so far i've suggested some ideas, but he told me to discuss on sunday.
yeah, i'll post them here and ask you all on sunday, though i've a feeling i know how they're gonna end up.
so... yeah. here i go.
1) BBQ seafood.
buy some seafood (stingray, sotong, etc.) and wrap them up in sambal sauce and cook.
2) BBQ Frog's legs.
TIAN JI (not wild frogs. i'm not THAT stupid).
we can buy them.
i'll kill, strip clean and cook them.
i already asked peter about this, btw.
idk abt him, he doesn't seem quite receptive.
but how about you guys?
3) Drinking games.
well, we could try this.
otherwise i'm afraid that at night we'd break up into little groups and not talk to each other or such.
especially the newer members, who don't really know the members of the crew beyond the yuxuans.
4) Movie marathon.
i could burn DVDs and we could watch them overnight, instead of cycling (oh yah. look down.)
5) Cycling.
we could rent bikes overnight and cycle down to geylang for durians.
yeah, these are some sugestions.
judging from the level of apathy all along, they'll probably be the only ones.
and judging from the attitudes all along, they'll all come to naught as usual.
oh well.
sunday then say, i suppose.
xiao yun.
peter just sms-ed me.
those posts were his.
he deleted them, though i've no idea y he'd delete them after writing them.