Thursday, May 31, 2007
ok people after june 16th i'll be brking from the crew for a week. . needa take a rest, its tough to be try to make chereograph and make u guys to do it proper
+ 7:36 PM
Monday, May 28, 2007
oh well.
peter lied.
we're not going under the fucking MP.
it was just a ploy to get us to speak up.
maybe i should do this with everything.
so anyway.
i guess this means im here with you guys after all.
you all very poor thing. lol.
+ 6:58 PM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
I’ve got an important announcement to make.
I will, most probably, be leaving the crew permanently after the national day performance.
i'm doing this mainly for ideological and moral reasons.
firstly, as an anarchist, i'm uncomfortable with being ssociated wih working with the government in any form.
that was a reason why i was so uncomfortable with peter entering the crew as well.
i feel that by going under the wing of the MP,
we'll be giving up creative control of the crew as well.
rmb the t shirts we bought?
i wanted a t shirt that said peace.
it was a social statement of a wish for peace.
what's wrong with peace?
won't the world be a better place if all nations lived in harmony?
and anyway.
i believe that by accepting this offer,
we're just moving 1 step closer to becoming pawns of this government.
they know nothing about hip hop.
they care even less about the culture than you guys.
they know nothing about it.
ty just want to
USE US to project a facade of a youthful, vibrant image.
they dont understand anything about it.
i don't believe that they have any right to use us to pretend to be what they're not.
is just crass commercialism of our way of living.
hip hop.
it isn't a dance.
it's a way of living.
i want to keep our sense of identity.
at our last performance
we were already close to being seen as under them.
i'm VERY uncomfortable with that.
i now that according to peter, i've no say in this matter.
and yes, the rest of you, i'm very sure, don't feel about this the same way i do.
my philosophy is very much a part of me.
it's punk philosphy.
a strong D.I.Y ethic.
a belief in non-conformity.
ot selling out to the mainstream.
a belief in that retaining control over your decisions is much more important than any amont of financial support.
especially not for this hypocritical regime with NO FUTURE.
they mindlessly brainwash this BLANK GENERATION.
they use us like we're the CHEAP, SLUTTY WHORES of their propaganda machine.
and i want no part in supporting it,
especially if it ivolves selling out my artform and my way of life.
thus i'll leave the crew.
it's the only option open to me.
this is gonna hurt me lots.
it's like breaking up again, in a way.
i'm sorry.
but i have t do this.
i'veno other choice.
+ 9:39 PM
Friday, May 18, 2007
ok lor. settle liao.
tml will be 12 to 6.
seriously. its not as much a matter of the timing.
its more because you guys didn't ask me or even inform me about the timing beforehand.
i only discovered after i posted the previous 1, and only because i sms-ed yuxuan.
tml 12 to 6, i expect.
i dont know if you guys want dinner or not.
you guys will probably undermine what i say anyway.
and dont give me bizzocks and say no cash.
we all get the same amount of cash.
i'm kinda broke now too.
manager owes me 91 bucks from 2 days of work.
cya guys tml then.
i expect another argument about the clothing tml anyway.
+ 12:39 AM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
ok since some1 asked me to blog, i'll blog. especially since i'm more or less the only 1 who does.
tml outing.
like that lor.
i dont even know what time it is anymore.
i'll ask yuxuan later.
you all change the timing and fuck up my plans.
next month peter proposing formal dinner.
the month after we're going shopping again.
we're keeping this up until some1 else proposes something different.
how hard can it be?
you all have the template.
just edit the variables.
come up with a timeline of events.
thats it.
oh well.
if you guys want any to choose, write a proposal.
dont act like you guys didnt know.
even if you didnt get my mail, its up here.
next time if u wanna change anything, i'm not gonna let that shit slide unless you guys even show some sign of interest in the first place.
and dont tell me shit unless the shit makes sense.
i know we all have training on sundays.
thats why i set to go home early, at 11.
otherwise i'd say we take first train or nite rider.
capish, bia?
+ 11:25 PM
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
i suppose you all have gotten the mails i sent out last night.
this will be the way it is from now on.
if no1 makes a decision, i will.
i understand why yuxuan doesnt do up a proposal.
he's doing the performance choreo so he's kinda tied up.
but the rest of you guys have absolutely no excuse whatsoever.
dont call me a playa hater.
imma seeing through the shit you're gonna spit.
i know its just because you all dont give a fuck.
i did my proposal in 15 mins or so during lecture.
even if you guys have lotsa sch, you guys can at least think about it and do it up while you're on the bus or train.
especially since now you guys have the proposal i made.
its as simple as editing the existing one and changin the details.
you guys simply dont care.
even when i asked for feedback you all just said anything lor...
typical answers.
since you all didn't say anything now, i expect every1 to fully participate on the day itself.
if you guys have anything to say, just say.
clarifications, requests, anything.
yesterday i met ervin and peter at mac.
ervin said maybe the time too late, shld meet at 3 instead.
my concern is you all cannot wake up, or eat lunch at home first.
what you all think?
3-11 or 4-11?
anything tell me.
i not on9 still can e mail, call or sms me.
+ 7:28 PM
Monday, May 07, 2007
well... i'm in class now.
with a throbbing headache.
but i decided that the blog was kinda dead.
so i'm blogging.
i know you guys dont understand why im so crazy about stretching my spine.
as in... more so than other parts of my body.
so now i'll explain.
when i do any transitions i twist my arms first, then swing my hips, using my spine as a torsional spring.
hence, if i dont stretch the hell out of my spine, my transitions will look real sloppy.
no, i dont mean transitions to babies.
partly because i think baby freeze looks to easy. but also i dont know how to shift out of baby to other stuff.
i mean transit to air baby, or to elbow plant.
also, spinal flexibility enables me to do lotsa stuff.
its why i can do worm, and more or less no1 else can.
and its also why nic still cany kip up.
and no1 else can.
those who can-
a tat.
notice something?
its those who went for wushu.
and me.
wushu stretched the hell outta them.
thats why.
so anyway...
when's the nexy crew outting?
and is any1 doing the proposal?
you guys better do.
because if only i do we're going shopping.
+ 11:16 PM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
ok guys...
yesterday shopping was fun...
it'd been better if more ppl went.
ppl who went:
me, weng tat, yuxuan, wilson, hui lin, tara and ivanPwhoCmetusDafterdinner.
so basically wilson went for a haircut alone, then i met him at yuxuan's house to style his hair...
then we went down to marina square (late as usual) to meet the rest.
we just shopped around all day for mickey boy.
and apparently hui lin's taste is VERY bugis street, innit?
i hope she doesn't take that the right way...
we just spent the whole day shopping around and walking around aimlessly.
it was fun.
and no i dont have any pics.
im nt a cam whore.
im just a whore.
so anyway...
lets do this again.
i'll write petey boy a proposal for this month's outting.
+ 7:47 PM