Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Croix here.
After hearing the wonderful tales from the crew, I've realised one thing.
Never be too proud of yourself. Never be over confident. Never stop at a certian stage and say you're a pro at it.
Opponent - "We trained for 3 months, our toprocks are good."
In the end, trashing for them...OWNED
To the crew - I believe it was a handicapped match, given that we trained for so long and those posers "trained" for 3 months. We must not be proud that we owned them, instead learn for them.
It's their grave mistake to boast and we must not make that mistake, our names as bboys are at stake.
Use the TKD blackbelt hypothesis as example(I was once in TKD so I'm familiar with it)
Never stop when you recieve blackbelt title, it is not the end of the road. However, having a blackbelt is but the end of your old path and the new opening to a new wider road.
Using this analogy, it should be easier to understand what I want to say.
Rights, I can't "lecture" too much if not you guys will say I all talk no action.
+ 8:32 AM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
you guys should listen to more beats.
i today discovered something new about zen.
not that i didn't suspect it long ago.
zen only has 3 (or izzit 4?) hip hop songs.
big bad bboy dances to j-pop, eh?
*...And Out Come the Wolves*
and the rest of you listen to such "safe" choices.
you guys basically only listen to whatever you guys feel seems familiar.
there are so many styles of hip hop.
why dont you guys try the other styles.
like... chopped and screwed, for example.
there are so many different sounds in hip hop.
i rmb the last time this shit came out.
lemme dig up a quote.
Cannot break to anime music you say...Not true bro, there are J-Rap and Beats, some are even featured as anime openings/endings songs. If not what kind of breakbeats do japanese bboys break to??? English R&B??? No way, frankly, their english is limited to primary school english but much better than the flammer in TG blog.
not all rappers are stupid.
there are lotsa rappers who go above the mainstream focus on either love or materialism.
these are mostly more experimental bands.
for example.
jurassic 5.
dilated peoples.
the crystal method.
and anyway.
if u can break to jap beats.
go ahead.
bring some down.
you said you'd send me some.
its been about a month.
still cant find any?
its not that i've got a grudge against japan.
i hate japanese popular culture.
not for the japan.
but for the popular.
i'll explain why on my blog.
and anyway.
you're a bboy.
"its not a dance, its a way of living" (snoop dogg)
so go listen to more different kinda beats.
thats to the whole crew.
and dont just step to the snare.
become one with the beat.
move your whole body.
be the beat.
flow wit it. (Sic)
i hope the flaming i'll get is worth this fucking crap.
+ 7:03 AM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
ok dudes.
in addition to pt, i will be starting an optional pain-conditioning training.
i'm nt sure how i'm gonna do it.
it'll probably involve many joint locks and slams.
i can assure you, its gonna be really painful.
i only can say a few things.
1) i will not force you guys to do this. you may opt out at any time at all.
2) i know what i'm doing and i know where not to hit for safety reasons.
3) i will not hit ur faces. that will not help you guys at all. no reason too. unless u guys wanna do FACE spins. LOL
4) i will not use any foreign objects to hit you guys. i dont need to.
5) i know this seems really stupid, but i have a reason for this.
this will reduce your fear to pain.
we dont dare to do things like flips because we're scared of pain or injury.
this will remove our fear of pain.
learn to embrace pain.
enjoy the pain.
taste the blood.
learn form the pain.
+ 2:08 AM
Monday, March 19, 2007
i hate it when u guys flood the tagboard.
especially fabian and zen.
if u see spam,
just log in and delete it.
i'm sick of you guys fucking around.
the tagboard doesnt serve primarily as a fucking chatroom.
its not a fucking forum.
its a fucking FEEDBACK CHANNEL.
if i could i'd make the tagboard password protected so i could moderate it.
but i cant.
so stop SPAMMING, you dirty rotten cunts!
+ 7:45 AM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
ok guys.
what you think of my "creative PT" today?
i don't do this without a reason.
the squats are meant to develop thigh strength.
important for muscular bursts of power to do moves like swipes.
the jumping onto the ledge thing has 3 reasons.
firstly, the jumping part is for the same reason as the squats. thigh strength.
by right, i shouldn't even be doing them due to my worn knee ligaments.
but i'll do it if it makes the crew do it along with me.
then, the landing helps you develop ankle strength.
you should be aiming to land silently, on the balls of your feet.
this will help you in footwork, swipes and flips.
lastly, the rolling part will develop back flexibility by forcing you to arch your spine.
it'll promote general upper body flexibility, depending on exactly how you land and roll.
the couple push ups aren't for fun either.
i know that if you do push ups quickly, or stabbed, they're MUCH easier.
i'm a scout. i more or less did stabbed push ups for years.
my original intent was to do this in 1 whole circle.
but i dont think you guys can take it.
i dont even think i can.
the difference is that i'm crazy enough to try.
doing it this way forces you to do it slowly.
and it also allows you to bond with ur partner.
zen, you totally defeated the purpose of this.
if you cant do it, we will make you.
even if we have to literally carry you, we will make you.
we are not leaving anybody behind.
also, i've got quite a few surprises lined up.
i'm sure you guys will enjoy them, in a way.
some are from the army, some are not.
i promise you guys a great time.
and if any1 wants to be more involved in anything, be it jersey design or PT or anything else, just ask.
suggestions are always welcome.
+ 10:16 AM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
ok dudes.
first, business, then random ravings.
before i go off to work again.
i'm making a survey on your preferences.
i'm gonna design it.
and i need u guys to help me.
i cant do this all by myself.
i need you guys to come up with designs too.
not 1 each.
at least 6 each.
you guys dont have to follow the survey results.
esp. since i haven't collated them yet.
and i'm almost done with the survey.
here it is.
aka: the lau jiao... lols...
ok anyway...
you guys dont fuck around with the survey.
i will personally fuck you up PHYSICALLY if u fuck around with this.
ok now onto random rantings...
i'm fucking tired now.
legs feel numb.
work work...
will be back either tml or the day after.
my shoulder blade hurts too.
must've injured it.
and btw...
thanks, dad.
thanks for the elbow pads (which are actually just wristbands for which you kinda overpaid, but who cares?)
go here, btw.
great battle.
usa vs korea.
korea is like a fucking all star team lor...
bruce lee...
hong ten...
and anyway...
check that video. great footwork.
and speaking of footwork...
i still dont like some ppl's.
i dont like...
i just dont like it.
his body doesnt move.
its just his legs moving.
and he's so robotic...
i just dont like his style.
i don't like...
yeah. surprisingly.
he's got the speed.
not the style.
more varies, man.
you wanna do nothing but footwork?
at least do nice footwork.
you just wanna do it because its least tiring.
there're lotsa moves that aren't tiring.
turtle, for example.
but anyway...
its kinda weird to do just footwork then stop there.
in terms of style i'm most like you actually.
the thing is.
you dont need to know many freezes.
you just need to know 1.
as i rmb yuxuan said.
we all need 1 nice freeze.
he's taking that too far,
but yeah.
it'd be nicer to do
its too abrupt if you just stop.
its nothing to do with weight.
i'm around the same weight as you.
i can do it.
elbow plant.
quite well too, if i dont say so myself.
ok but.
he's gripped shoulder freeze.
that has NOTHING to do with strength.
it's all balance.
you just literally ROLL into it.
(hmm... no wonder fabian can grab it)
like me.
i only really do 1 freeze much.
nic also.
the mostly only does baby freeze.
thats it.
and fuck i gotta go work.
+ 7:50 PM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
the crazy stuff we do
+ 5:47 AM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
android...i didnt draw that XD
+ 8:17 AM
Friday, March 09, 2007
lolz again nobody is posting in our blog...so its my job to keep the blog alive
while ur reading this right now...someone else is training to be better than u now =D
and ya im Android...again...
well today i read a post on the importance of practice
here's the linkread it when u hav time...even though u could have spent it training lolz
and after reading it maybe u will apperciate the importance of practice =D
and here's another thread on of the choice of sports drink thats prefered with bboys
Gatorade or Water
Linkhaha but the final choice is yours =D
and one more thread on the sexiest freeze...
lolz its a poll to see which is the sexiest freeze
Linkgo and poll if u have time...but time should be best spent training =D
thats all i got for this post...at least this blog is active hor =P
Android...flare like the way i want =D
+ 7:04 AM
Friday, March 02, 2007
Android here again.
Questioning urself wads more important?
Style or power.
well i found this interesting text on my frendster group lolz
which i hope will help u in knowing what u wan in bboying.
though its pretty long but read it if u have time.
coz the few minutes of reading it might help change ur life as a bboy...i hope lolz XD
If you've been breakin'/b-boyin' formore than a few months then you'reprobably aware of the debate over whichstyle of breakdancing is superior, powermoves or styles/footwork. The debategoes something like this: B-boys whoconcentrate primarily on power moves saythat what they do is more difficult thanfootwork, and B-boys who concentrate onfootwork say that power people can'tdance and have no creativity, and thatthey are just a bunch of wannabegymnasts. What both camps fail torealize is that by ignoring an entireaspect of 'breakin', they are limitingtheir potential as b-boys. Yet thereare, however few, b-boys who combine the best of both worlds.
Style is dope because it defines who youare as a dancer. It allows yourpersonality to shine through; it allowspeople to see who you really areunderneath all that gear. It lets youcreate a character, an aura aboutyourself that makes you stand out fromthe rest of the crowd. It can make youinstantly recognizable in a circle. Itis (or should be) pure originality.
Power is all about taking the limits ofthe human body to another level. It isabout defying the laws of physics. Thisis an aspect of breakin' where you havea variety of standard moves which mustbe practiced constantly for weeks,months, even years, to perfect. Peopledo horrible things to their bodies justlearn a single move or combination.Originality rarely comes into play;b-boys just learn techniques from other b-boys and from videos.
Style is all about invention andself-expression, power is all aboutperfection of techniques. After allthese years that breakin' has existed,these standards have become sort ofcliche. I see the same moves and combosat every event, party, and club that Igo to with very little variation. I seeall kinds of individual styles, but theyare each becoming less and less distinctas more and more people take up b-boyin'as a way of life. The majority of b-boysI have seen seem to be stuck in somesort of rut. They don't seem to knowwhat else to do, what else to practice,other than to improve what they already have.
But how many b-boys have dared to trysomething totally different? Has anyoneever considered using style and footworkto push past the limits of the humanbody? Or using power moves as a means ofself-expression and individuality? Poweris perfection, but how many b-boys havecome up with styles and tricks that takemonths, even years to perfect? Style isinvention and self-expression, but howmany b-boys use power as a means ofself-expression, and how many b-boyshave invented completely new moves, someof which become part of the standard repertoire?
The conventional styles of b-boyin' havecome close to reaching their limits.Many of the hardest combinations, oncethought impossible, have been done. Manyof the most creative, bizarre, andcrowd-pleasing styles have been done(and copied). This is partly becausemany people, when they first begin tobreakdance, learn by watching. Theywatch people at clubs and parties, andthey studiously watch videos, and thenthey go home and practice what they saw.Many of these people have no one toteach them techniques, and learn bywatching, but they never learn anytheory, i.e., what it means to be a b-boy.
My advice to aspiring b-boys: Don't doeverything you see. Once you've learnedthe basics, CREATE. Don't do what yousee in videos, do what you DON'T see.For many people, the hardest thing to dois create. The top b-boys didn't get tothe top with a monkey-see, monkey-doattitude (although they probably startedout with that attitude). They got to thetop by distorting the preconceivednotions of what breakdancing is, thuscreating their own unique styles andsignature moves, making a name forthemselves.
+ 8:14 AM