Tuesday, November 21, 2006
ok dudes...
there's an event at north vista sec on friday evening....
there will be bboys performing, as well as some bands, i believe.
it'll be around 5 bucks i think.
if u guys wanna go sms me.
cheers. Munky.
+ 12:22 AM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
+ 12:18 AM
Friday, November 10, 2006
ok peeps, there's one leaving us and one one joining. Though we rejoice. It's still sad that Louis has intended to leave.reason's unknown.
+ 5:09 AM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
No one's stopping me from breaking. what end of the year. Madness! n yea selwyn tat's a nice idea. there's another thing i'll like to add. I DO not. i STRESS. wan PEOPLE to JUMP into their moves. bloody fucking do some top rocks n such then go in if not i'll rip your balls out.LOL
+ 7:07 AM
Monday, November 06, 2006
ok dudes... it seems that its fixed then.
sundays it is.
anyway... i feel that to improve, i have a suggestion.
every practice we'll maybe end with a mock battle within our crew?
we'll split the crew into half randomly and battle against each other.
maybe this will supplement or replace the end of the day trick.
what do u guys think?
hit the board, k?
yuxuan and erv wont be breaking with us for a while.
yuxuan's injured and erv's got o levels.
erv will be out until the 20th, i believe.
yuxuan wont break anymore this year.
i'm really sorry.
catch you guys around.
sunday, k?
+ 4:52 AM
Sunday, November 05, 2006
hey people. dudefreak here. just a few announcements.
1) seriously think that we should find a day to devote to our breakdance practice. and i think sundays' are good. any objections/better ideas? pls hit the board yea?
2) well, if we really choose suns, i might not be free cos i'm in a band. and the band's starting to get active. and they're gonna meet at sun too.
3) so if we break on sun, the timing's gotta be earlier. cos my band's meeting's at 4pm.(TBC.)
4) and if to really enjoy a full prac, i think that the timing should be around like 12.30 to 3.30pm. ample timing to practice, have fun and rest in between.
5) Lastly, i know this is kinda selfish of me to ask you guys to accomodate to my timings, but i'm really a loss. this is the best i can think off. i seriously want things to work out.
and guys, please do let me know if you're unhappy with anything. things can work out somehow.
i seek your cooperation.
peace to y'all.
signing out, dudefreak.
+ 7:18 AM